Please make a Reservation from here to Imasakaya.
Please make an online reservation from 5day onwards.
Room is a Japanese style tatami mat and futon yukata
The bath and toilet are shared
Free Wi-Fi available
Prices include taxes and service charges.
If you 5 people or more,3 nights or more,in case of charter, please call 0745-83-0062

    Accommodation plan
    *One person charge Required

    Reservation date Required

    Number of people Required

    Number of stays Required

    Estimated arrival time
    *Dinner starts from 18:00 to 19:00 Required

    Name Required

    Nationality Required

    Address Required

    Email address Required

    Phone number

    Passport number

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    Imasakaya reservation status

    Availability ○:Available △:Few ✖:No vacancy ―:Online booking end