Please make a Reservation from here to Imasakaya.
Please make an online reservation from 5day onwards.
Room is a Japanese style tatami mat and futon yukata
The bath and toilet are shared
Free Wi-Fi available
Prices include taxes and service charges.
If you groups of 5 or more, for 3 nights or more, or for private reservations, please fill in the “Request and contact” field. I will reply to you again.

    Accommodation plan
    *One person charge Required

    Reservation date Required

    Number of people Required

    Number of stays Required

    Estimated arrival time
    *Dinner starts from 18:00 to 19:00 Required

    Name Required

    Nationality Required

    Address Required

    Email address Required

    Phone number

    Passport number

    Request and contact


    After filling in, please confirm the input with “Confirmation”
    Please press “Send” after confirmation
    After Send a copy of the content will be sent to you

    [Privacy policy] [Terms of service] [Accommodation agreement]

    Imasakaya reservation status

    Availability ○:Available △:Few ✖:No vacancy ―:Online booking end